I made it out this morning; it was early. And cold. But, I made it out and the street lights were still on. They seemed to click off as I passed them, almost like they were expecting me to come turn them off... what would the city do with out me on this cold Wednesday morning??
My run was good-- I felt really good. As I was about 1 mile in, I started thinking to myself, "wow, I feel really good..." I quickly stopped myself from thinking that, as to not jinx it. But I did- and I could have easily not felt good. It was early. I just got up and went, didn't even have a cup of coffee first. I had a little too much wine last night. So many things that could have worked against my run this morning, and they didn't.
What does this mean?? Could I possibly be getting it (IT!!) back? Might I possibly have a new base, albeit a relatively short distance?? WOW! Wouldn't that be nice?!? I'm hoping that it's coming back. It's been a whole month of really trying to get out there and get back into this running thing. It's been a month of trying to get it back, for myself and for the better person I feel like I am when I get out there and run. So, we'll see... hopefully February will bring lots more miles. But before I get too far ahead of myself, I still need to run 7.5 more miles THIS week... wish me luck!
Sunday morning.
10 years ago
You can do it! I had a dream a few years ago that I was running down a country road in the hills...like the tree covered roads on Highway 1...and it was so peaceful...and all I could hear were my steady footsteps and my even breathing. I felt like I could have run forever. Ever since then I have wanted to run..but haven't done anything about it. As you know...I'm not the biggest fitness fan. But...maybe I should change my mind. And maybe reading your blog and your adventures of running...and the mindset of it all...maybe...just maybe....??